At Face Teeth Smile, our milled composite veneers offer a truly transformative solution for those looking to perfect their smile using the latest digital dental technology. This advanced process allows us to create veneers with unmatched precision and accuracy, far exceeding the results of traditional, hand-applied methods. While traditional composite bonding can be effective, they are often susceptible to staining, chipping, and uneven wear. In contrast, our digitally milled composite veneers are custom-designed for each patient, ensuring a flawless fit that enhances both the aesthetics and durability of your smile.
With this cutting-edge approach, we solve the common problems associated with traditional composite bonding, providing a long-lasting and predictable solution that resists issues like discoloration and chipping. At your consultation, we will discuss your smile goals, take digital scans and photos of the teeth. This will be used to create a bespoke smile design for you. What makes our treatment even more distinctive is the opportunity for patients to trial their new smile before finalizing the design. This ensures you are completely satisfied with the transformation before committing to the final veneers. On the day of the treatment, the milled composite veneers are fitted individually to perfect your smile!
By merging digital smile design artistry with the precision of digital technology, Face Teeth Smile provides a veneer solution that is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing. The result is a naturally enhanced smile that not only looks stunning but is built to last, giving you the confidence to show off your perfect smile for years to come.